Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco Recorded a Collaborative Album at His Cozy LA Pad

Though they haven’t tied the knot just yet, it seems Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco are already living in marital bliss at Blanco’s Los Angeles residence. For Interview’s March cover story, the engaged couple divulged sweet details of their cozy home life, from meal prepping to making music together at the 1930s dwelling, which Blanco bought in 2019. The duo even recorded a collaborative album about their relationship in one of the upstairs bedrooms, called I Said I Love You First, which is scheduled for a March 21 release. (For the record, it was Gomez who first said the L-word, according to the interview.)

Gomez and Blanco made sure to keep the musical project low-pressure, retreating to the laidback recording space whenever inspiration struck. “So many times it was so hodgepodge. It was like two hours here, two hours there,” Blanco told the outlet. “I’d never worked that way with someone. Usually I work that way if I’m by myself, but it was so cool to be able to do that with her.” The process was so low-key that on occasion Gomez would recline on a bed while recording. “Normally I’m on this little chair and I have a thousand blankets on me,” she explained. “I loved it. It felt very easy.”

Aside from their creative pursuits, the pair revealed the ins and outs of their daily routines at the eclectic space, which Blanco referred to as a “dinner party house” during a tour with AD last year. Both of them are early risers. “We’re having a full breakfast by 6 in the morning,” Blanco said. The producer, who is also a cookbook author, makes Gomez’s favorites at home. “I’ll prep all sorts of things that I know she likes and then I freeze them.” What’s on the menu? Gomez’s typical breakfast is a burrito and a red bull. As for Blanco: “He eats egg whites with peppers and hot sauce. He’s so healthy,” Gomez said.

In the evenings, the homebodies often have friends over for dinner and game nights. When they’re not hosting, the two can be found listening to records, or doing something that they call “sitting soft.” Describing his ideal evening, Blanco said “I want to drink wine and cocktails and eat delicious shrimp tempura together …. I want to sit soft and just relax and play games and laugh.” Then, it’s early to bed for Gomez, who typically likes to turn in between 8:00 and 8:30 pm with one of three TV shows playing in the background. “It’s How I Met Your Mother, Friends, and Will and Grace. It is just comfort, purely,” Gomez said. “And I have to sleep with the noise because—my mom told me this—my dad would watch Cops on loud when I was asleep.”

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The lovebirds made it clear that the best thing about their home life is enjoying each other’s company. “I could sit in this bed with [her] for 72 hours and feel like I didn’t miss anything,” Blanco said.

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