FBI releases 475-page document on O.J. Simpson

The FBI released a 475-page document relating to O.J. Simpson on Friday. The pages largely focus on the murder investigation of Simpson’s ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. After a sensational criminal trial that mesmerized America for eight months, Simpson was acquitted of all charges.

Simpson was known early in his career for his prowess on the football field with the USC Trojans and Buffalo Bills, and later for the criminal and civil trials in the 1994 deaths of Brown Simpson and Goldman.

Simpson was arrested in relation to Brown Simpson and Goldman’s case live on TV after a lengthy police car chase, and he was eventually charged and brought to trial in 1995.

Two years later at a 1997 civil trial, Simpson was found liable for the deaths and a judge ordered him to pay $33.5 million in damages to the two families.

It is standard FBI practice to release documents on individuals after they have died. While this release was labeled “Part 01,” it is not clear if the bureau has more documents to release.

Simpson died of cancer at age 76 in April.

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(Photo: Ted Soqui / Sygma via Getty Images)

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